import _ from 'lodash'; import Debug, { Debugger } from 'debug'; const debug = Debug('cell'); export enum Direction { North, East, South, West } export enum Feature { Empty = " ", Road = "R", Town = "T", River = "I", Church = "C", } export interface Attachment { attachTo: Tile; side: Direction; cell: Tile; rotation: number; // Clockwise rotation of a cell } export default class Tile { center: Feature; private sides: [Feature, Feature, Feature, Feature]; neighbors: [Tile, Tile, Tile, Tile]; private orientation: number // amount of 90-degree counter-clockwise rotations from original orientation shield?: boolean; debug: Debugger; public constructor(center: Feature, sides: [Feature, Feature, Feature, Feature], orientation = 0, shield = false) { = center; this.sides = sides; this.shield = shield; this.orientation = orientation; } print() { console.log( ` ${this.getSide(Direction.North)} \n${this.getSide(Direction.West)}${}${this.getSide(Direction.East)}\n ${this.getSide(Direction.South)} `); } getSide(direction: Direction) { return this.sides[(((this.orientation + direction) % 4) + 4) % 4]; } rotate(rotation = 1) { debug(`Rotating ${rotation} clockwise`) this.orientation = this.orientation - rotation; } getAttachments(cell: Tile) { return _.flatten([0, 1, 2, 3].map(side => { const item = this.getSide(side); return [0, 1, 2, 3] .filter(rotation => cell.getSide(side - rotation + 2) === item) .map(rotation => ({ cell, rotation, side, attachTo: this as Tile })) })); } attach(cell: Tile, side: Direction) { if (this.neighbors[side]) throw new Error('There is something already attached to this side!'); this.neighbors[side] = cell; } }