
Evaluation strategy (GPT-powered)

Material Balance:

Rationale: Assessing material balance provides insights into the relative strength of positions, impacting strategic and tactical decisions. Delegation/Simplification: While search influences trading decisions, establishing basic piece values is essential. Relation to Others: Orthogonal. Primarily focuses on overall material balance. Value MGE: Around 350 centipawns (dynamic piece value assessment). Value EGE: Around 500 centipawns (adjusted values for simplified endgames).

Pawn Structure:

Rationale: Analyzing pawn structure impacts pawn mobility, endgame potential, and positional weaknesses. Delegation/Simplification: Search evaluates pawn structure's tactical impact; foundational pawn structure analysis remains vital. Relation to Others: Generally orthogonal. Related to pawn mobility. Value MGE: Around 10 centipawns for each additional pawn island (active play). Value EGE: Around 15 centipawns for each additional pawn island (endgame control and passed pawn potential).

Piece Activity (Mobility):

Rationale: Evaluating piece mobility assesses the ability of pieces to influence the board, considering the number of squares they can reach. Delegation/Simplification: Search dynamically evaluates piece mobility during tactical analysis. Relation to Others: Orthogonal. Mobility focuses on piece mobility itself, differentiating from other components. Value MGE: Around 5 centipawns for each additional square a piece can reach (tactical opportunities). Value EGE: Around 3 centipawns for each additional square a piece can reach (centralization and control).

King Safety:

Rationale: Assessing king safety is crucial for identifying threats and ensuring the king's protection. Delegation/Simplification: Search identifies tactical threats; assessing pawn shield strength enhances king safety. Relation to Others: Generally orthogonal. King safety interacts with open lines. Value MGE: Around 15 centipawns for each pawn defending squares near the king (tactical threats). Value EGE: Around 20 centipawns for each pawn defending squares near the king (centralization and safety).

Pawn Promotion Threats:

Rationale: Evaluating pawn promotion threats considers passed pawn potential and tactical opportunities. Delegation/Simplification: Search assesses pawn promotion during move selection; potential passed pawns remain crucial. Relation to Others: Orthogonal. Primarily tied to pawn structure and pawn mobility. Value MGE: Around 5 centipawns for each pawn with potential for promotion (dynamic threats). Value EGE: Around 8 centipawns for each pawn with potential for promotion (passed pawn creation).