use crate::bitboard::Bitboard; static NOT_A_FILE: Bitboard = 0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE; static NOT_B_FILE: Bitboard = 0xFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFD; static NOT_G_FILE: Bitboard = 0xBFBFBFBFBFBFBFBF; static NOT_H_FILE: Bitboard = 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F; static B_FILE: Bitboard = 0x0202020202020202; /// An array where N-th item is an attack bitboard /// of a piece on N-th square type AttackTable = [Bitboard; 64]; /// One byte stores exactly 256 states which is every /// possible state of the occupancy on a rank pub type Byte = u8; /// First index is *occupancy* of the first rank (all possible states) /// and the second index is the file of the piece on the first rank /// ``` /// rank_attacks = first_rank_attacks[occupancy][piece_file]; /// ``` type FirstRankAttacks = [[Byte; 8]; 256]; #[allow(dead_code)] enum Direction { Nort, NoEa, East, SoEa, Sout, SoWe, West, NoWe, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Attacks { pub knight: AttackTable, pub king: AttackTable, pub first_rank_attacks: FirstRankAttacks, /// Should be indexed by Direction pub ray_attacks: [AttackTable; 8], } #[allow(unused)] impl Attacks { pub fn new() -> Self { let knight = Self::precompute_knight_attacks(); let king = Self::precompute_king_attacks(); let first_rank_attacks = Self::precompute_first_rank_attacks(); let ray_attacks = Self::precompute_ray_attacks(); Self { knight, king, first_rank_attacks, ray_attacks, } } fn precompute_knight_attacks() -> AttackTable { let mut attacks = [0; 64]; for index in 0..64 { let position = 1u64 << index; attacks[index] = ((position & NOT_A_FILE & NOT_B_FILE) << 6) | ((position & NOT_G_FILE & NOT_H_FILE) << 10) | ((position & NOT_A_FILE) << 15) | ((position & NOT_H_FILE) << 17) | ((position & NOT_G_FILE & NOT_H_FILE) >> 6) | ((position & NOT_A_FILE & NOT_B_FILE) >> 10) | ((position & NOT_H_FILE) >> 15) | ((position & NOT_A_FILE) >> 17); } attacks } fn precompute_king_attacks() -> AttackTable { let mut attacks = [0; 64]; for index in 0..64 { let position = 1u64 << index; attacks[index] = ((position & NOT_A_FILE) >> 1) | ((position & NOT_A_FILE) << 7) | ((position & NOT_A_FILE) >> 9) | ((position & NOT_H_FILE) << 1) | ((position & NOT_H_FILE) >> 7) | ((position & NOT_H_FILE) << 9) | (position << 8) | (position >> 8); } attacks } // Compute rook-like attacks on the first rank based on // occupancy and rook file. fn precompute_first_rank_attacks() -> FirstRankAttacks { let mut attacks = [[0; 8]; 256]; /// Really slow implementation of Most Significant One Bit which is fine to use when pre-computing fn log_base_2(bb: Bitboard) -> u64 { (bb as f64).log2() as u64 } for occupancy in 0..256 { for file in 0..8 { let mut left_bound = 0; let mut right_bound = 7; for bit in 0..8 { if (occupancy & (1 << bit)) > 0 { if (bit > left_bound) && (bit < file) { left_bound = bit } if (bit < right_bound) && (bit > file) { right_bound = bit } } } for index in left_bound..right_bound+1 { if index != file { attacks[occupancy as usize][file as usize] |= 1 << index; } } } } attacks } fn precompute_ray_attacks() -> [AttackTable; 8] { let mut nort = [0; 64]; let mut noea = [0; 64]; let mut east = [0; 64]; let mut soea = [0; 64]; let mut sout = [0; 64]; let mut sowe = [0; 64]; let mut west = [0; 64]; let mut nowe = [0; 64]; for rank in 0..8 { for file in 0..8 { let index = rank * 8 + file; { let mut rank = rank; while rank != 7 { rank += 1; nort[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut rank = rank; let mut file = file; while (rank < 7) && (file < 7) { rank += 1; file += 1; noea[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut file = file; while file < 7 { file += 1; east[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut rank = rank; let mut file = file; while (rank > 0) && (file < 7) { rank -= 1; file += 1; soea[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut rank = rank; while rank > 0 { rank -= 1; sout[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut rank = rank; let mut file = file; while (rank > 0) && (file > 0) { rank -= 1; file -= 1; sowe[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut file = file; while file > 0 { file -= 1; west[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } { let mut rank = rank; let mut file = file; while (file > 0) && (rank < 7) { file -= 1; rank += 1; nowe[index] |= 1 << (rank * 8 + file); } } } } [nort, noea, east, soea, sout, sowe, west, nowe] } /// /// /// Given a square and occupancy masked for rank, diagonal or anti-diagonal (note: not a file!) /// return an attack bitboard that considers blocking pieces fn kingergarten_attacks_base(&self, occupancy: Bitboard, mask: Bitboard, square: u8) -> Bitboard { let file = square % 8; let masked_occupancy = occupancy & mask; let occupancy_rank = ((masked_occupancy as u128 * B_FILE as u128) >> 58 & 0b111111) << 1; let rank_attacks = self.first_rank_attacks[occupancy_rank as usize][file as usize] as Bitboard; let mut filled_up_attacks = 0; for rank in 0..8 { filled_up_attacks |= rank_attacks << (rank * 8); } filled_up_attacks & mask } fn bishop(&self, occupancy: Bitboard, square: u8) -> Bitboard { let diagonal_mask = self.ray_attacks[Direction::NoEa as usize][square as usize] | self.ray_attacks[Direction::SoWe as usize][square as usize]; let anti_diagonal_mask = self.ray_attacks[Direction::NoWe as usize][square as usize] | self.ray_attacks[Direction::SoEa as usize][square as usize]; self.kingergarten_attacks_base(occupancy, diagonal_mask, square) | self.kingergarten_attacks_base(occupancy, anti_diagonal_mask, square) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{bitboard::{pop_count, print}, board::Square}; use super::*; #[test] fn test_knight_attacks() { let attacks = Attacks::precompute_knight_attacks(); let e4_attacks = attacks[Square::E4 as usize]; assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::G5 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::G3 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::C5 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::C3 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::D2 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::F2 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::D6 as usize, 0); assert_ne!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::F6 as usize, 0); assert_eq!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::E5 as usize, 0); assert_eq!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::D4 as usize, 0); assert_eq!(e4_attacks & 1 << Square::A1 as usize, 0); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::G1 as usize]), 3); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::H8 as usize]), 2); print(e4_attacks); } #[test] fn test_king_attacks() { let attacks = Attacks::precompute_king_attacks(); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::E4 as usize]), 8); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::A1 as usize]), 3); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::A8 as usize]), 3); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::H1 as usize]), 3); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::H8 as usize]), 3); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::E1 as usize]), 5); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::E8 as usize]), 5); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::A4 as usize]), 5); assert_eq!(pop_count(attacks[Square::H4 as usize]), 5); print(attacks[Square::E4 as usize]); } #[test] fn test_first_rank_attacks() { let attacks = Attacks::precompute_first_rank_attacks(); // HGFEDCBA HGFEDCBA assert_eq!(attacks[0b00010000][4], 0b11101111, "If rook is the only piece on a rank, it should be able to attack all rank"); assert_eq!(attacks[0b00000000][4], 0b11101111, "Even with 0 occupancy rook should be able to attack all rank"); assert_eq!(attacks[0b00000000][0], 0b11111110, "Even with 0 occupancy rook should be able to attack all rank"); assert_eq!(attacks[0b00010001][4], 0b11101111, "If only other piece is on A rank, rook should be able to attack all rank"); assert_eq!(attacks[0b10010000][4], 0b11101111, "If only other piece is on H rank, rook should be able to attack all rank"); assert_eq!(attacks[0b10010001][4], 0b11101111, "If only other pieces are on A and H ranks, rook should be able to attack all rank"); assert_eq!(attacks[0b00010100][4], 0b11101100); assert_eq!(attacks[0b01010100][4], 0b01101100); assert_eq!(attacks[0b01010010][4], 0b01101110); assert_eq!(attacks[0b00000010][4], 0b11101110); assert_eq!(attacks[0b01011000][5], 0b01010000); } #[test] fn test_ray_attacks() { let attacks = Attacks::precompute_ray_attacks(); let square = Square::E4 as usize; let bitboard = attacks[0][square] | attacks[1][square] | attacks[2][square] | attacks[3][square] | attacks[4][square] | attacks[5][square] | attacks[6][square] | attacks[7][square]; print(bitboard); } #[test] fn test_diagonal_attacks() { let attacks = Attacks::new(); let square = Square::E4 as u8; let occupancy = 1 << Square::B7 as usize | 1 << Square::B1 as usize | 1 << Square::C2 as usize | 1 << Square::F3 as usize; let bb = attacks.bishop(occupancy, square); assert_ne!(bb & 1 << Square::C2 as u8, 0); assert_eq!(bb & 1 << Square::B1 as u8, 0); assert_ne!(bb & 1 << Square::F3 as u8, 0); assert_eq!(bb & 1 << Square::G2 as u8, 0); assert_ne!(bb & 1 << Square::H7 as u8, 0); assert_ne!(bb & 1 << Square::B7 as u8, 0); assert_eq!(bb & 1 << Square::A8 as u8, 0); print(bb); } }