use std::{time::{Instant, Duration}, f32::INFINITY}; use crate::{moves::{Move, MoveKind}, board::io::IO}; use super::{Grossmeister, ttable::{NodeType, TTABLE_SIZE, TranspositionTableItem}}; const VALUE_WIN: f32 = 20_000.0; #[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct PerftResult { leaf_nodes: u64, captures: u64, en_passants: u64, castles: u64, checks: u64, } impl Grossmeister { pub fn negamax_search(&mut self, mut alpha: f32, beta: f32, depth_left: u8, parent_killers: &mut Vec, deadline: Instant) -> (f32, Vec) { let mut principal_variation = Vec::new(); let mut killer_moves = Vec::new(); let color = self.board.color(); if let Some(transposition) = self.transposition() { if transposition.depth == depth_left { match transposition.node_type { NodeType::PV => { // PV-nodes have exact score principal_variation.push(; return (transposition.score, principal_variation); } NodeType::Cut => { if transposition.score >= beta { principal_variation.push(; return (beta, principal_variation); } } NodeType::All => { if transposition.score <= alpha { principal_variation.push(; return (alpha, principal_variation); } } } } } if depth_left == 0 { return (self.quiscence(alpha, beta), principal_variation); } let mut moves = self.generate_pseudolegal_moves(); moves = self.order_moves(moves, parent_killers.to_vec()); let mut should_pv_search = true; let mut legal_move_found = false; for mov in moves { let ep_target_before = self.board.ep_target; let castling_rights_before = self.board.castling_rights; let hash_before = self.board.hash; let captured_piece = self.board.make_move(mov); if !self.board.is_king_in_check(color) { legal_move_found = true; let (mut score, mut subtree_pv) = if should_pv_search { // Assume PV-node is high in the list (if move ordering is good) self.negamax_search(-beta, -alpha, depth_left - 1, &mut killer_moves, deadline) } else { // After we have PV-node (that raised alpha) all other nodes will be searched // with zero-window first to confirm this assumption // TODO: changing 0.001 -> 0.0001 leads to a weird bug let result = self.negamax_search(-(alpha + 0.001), -alpha, depth_left - 1, &mut killer_moves, deadline); // In case some of the other nodes raises alpha, then it's true PV node now, // let's research with full window to find its exact value if -result.0 > alpha { self.negamax_search(-beta, -alpha, depth_left - 1, &mut killer_moves, deadline) } else { result } }; score *= -1.; self.board.unmake_move(mov, captured_piece, ep_target_before, castling_rights_before, hash_before); if score >= beta { self.transposition_table[(self.board.hash % TTABLE_SIZE) as usize] = Some(TranspositionTableItem { hash: self.board.hash, mov, depth: depth_left, // TODO: should be actual depth searched node_type: NodeType::Cut, score, }); if mov.kind == MoveKind::Quiet { match parent_killers.iter().find(|m| **m == mov) { None => parent_killers.push(mov), Some(..) => {}, } } return (beta, principal_variation); } if score > alpha { alpha = score; should_pv_search = false; // Once we have PV-node we can start zero-window searching principal_variation = Vec::with_capacity(depth_left as usize); principal_variation.push(mov); principal_variation.append(&mut subtree_pv); self.transposition_table[(self.board.hash % TTABLE_SIZE) as usize] = Some(TranspositionTableItem { hash: self.board.hash, mov, depth: depth_left, // TODO: should be actual depth searched node_type: NodeType::PV, score, }); } else if self.transposition().is_none() { self.transposition_table[(self.board.hash % TTABLE_SIZE) as usize] = Some(TranspositionTableItem { hash: self.board.hash, mov, depth: depth_left, // TODO: should be actual depth searched node_type: NodeType::All, score, }); } } else { self.board.unmake_move(mov, captured_piece, ep_target_before, castling_rights_before, hash_before); } // Could not finish in time, return what we have so far if Instant::now() > deadline { break; } } if !legal_move_found && self.board.is_king_in_check(color) { return (-VALUE_WIN, principal_variation); } (alpha, principal_variation) } pub fn quiscence(&mut self, mut alpha: f32, beta: f32) -> f32 { let color = self.board.color(); let mut moves = self.generate_pseudolegal_moves(); moves = self.order_moves(moves, Vec::new()); if !self.board.is_king_in_check(color) { // If we are not in check, we can evaluate stand pat let stand_pat = self.evaluate(); if stand_pat >= beta { return beta; } if alpha < stand_pat { alpha = stand_pat; } // If we are not in check, we can only search tactical moves moves.retain(|m| m.is_tactical()) } let mut legal_move_found = false; for mov in moves { let ep_target_before = self.board.ep_target; let castling_rights_before = self.board.castling_rights; let hash_before = self.board.hash; let captured_piece = self.board.make_move(mov); if !self.board.is_king_in_check(color) { legal_move_found = true; let evaluation = -self.quiscence(-beta, -alpha); self.board.unmake_move(mov, captured_piece, ep_target_before, castling_rights_before, hash_before); if evaluation >= beta { return beta; // Fail-hard beta-cutoff } if evaluation > alpha { alpha = evaluation; } } else { self.board.unmake_move(mov, captured_piece, ep_target_before, castling_rights_before, hash_before); } } if !legal_move_found && self.board.is_king_in_check(color) { return -VALUE_WIN } alpha } pub fn iterative_deepening(&mut self, max_depth: u8, duration: Duration, print: bool) -> (f32, Vec) { let start = Instant::now(); let deadline = start + duration; let mut result = None; let mut depth = 1; let mut alpha = -INFINITY; let mut beta = INFINITY; let window_size = 0.25; let mut gradual_widening_counter = 0; let mut root_killers: Vec = Vec::new(); while depth <= max_depth { if print { println!("\nSearching depth({}) in the window {:?}", depth, (alpha, beta)); } let search_result = self.negamax_search(alpha, beta, depth, &mut root_killers, deadline); if search_result.0.abs() >= VALUE_WIN { return search_result } if Instant::now() > deadline { if print { println!("Aborting..."); } break; } if print { println!("Finished depth({}) {:?} [{:?} left]", depth, search_result, deadline - Instant::now()); } if search_result.0 <= alpha { // Alpha-cutoff if print { println!("Alpha cutoff {} <= {:?}", search_result.0, (alpha, beta)); } gradual_widening_counter += 1; beta = alpha + window_size * 0.1; alpha = search_result.0 - window_size * 2.0f32.powi(gradual_widening_counter); continue; } if search_result.0 >= beta { // Beta-cutoff if print { println!("Beta cutoff {:?} <= {}", (alpha, beta), search_result.0); } gradual_widening_counter += 1; alpha = beta - window_size * 0.1; beta = search_result.0 + window_size * 2.0f32.powi(gradual_widening_counter); continue; } if !search_result.1.is_empty() { depth += 1; gradual_widening_counter = 0; alpha = search_result.0 - window_size; beta = search_result.0 + window_size; } else { panic!("Why the fuck no moves?"); } result = Some(search_result); } match result { Some(r) => r, None => panic!("Could not find a move in time"), } } pub fn perft(&mut self, depth: u8, print: bool) -> PerftResult { let mut result = PerftResult::default(); if depth == 0 { result.leaf_nodes = 1; return result; } let color = self.board.color(); let moves = self.generate_pseudolegal_moves(); if print { println!("Running perft for depth {}. Color to move is {:?}\n{} moves available", depth, color, moves.len()); println!("{} moves available", moves.len()); } for mov in moves { let ep_target_before = self.board.ep_target; let castling_rights_before = self.board.castling_rights; let hash_before = self.board.hash; let captured_piece = self.board.make_move(mov); // King can not be in check after our own move if !self.board.is_king_in_check(color) { if depth == 1 { match mov.kind { MoveKind::Capture => { result.captures += 1; } MoveKind::EnPassant => { result.en_passants += 1; result.captures += 1; } MoveKind::Castle => { result.castles += 1; } _ => {} } if self.board.is_king_in_check(color.flip()) { result.checks += 1; } } if print { println!("{:?}", mov); self.board.print(); } let subtree_result = self.perft(depth - 1, print); result.leaf_nodes += subtree_result.leaf_nodes; result.captures += subtree_result.captures; result.checks += subtree_result.checks; result.castles += subtree_result.castles; result.en_passants += subtree_result.en_passants; } self.board.unmake_move(mov, captured_piece, ep_target_before, castling_rights_before, hash_before); } if print { println!("Found {} leaf nodes in this subtree (depth {})", result.leaf_nodes, depth); } result } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::time::Duration; use crate::{board::{Board, io::IO}, square::Square, moves::{Move, MoveKind}, grossmeister::{Grossmeister, search::PerftResult}}; use super::VALUE_WIN; #[test] fn perft() { let board = Board::new(); let mut gm = Grossmeister::new(board); assert_eq!(gm.perft(0, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 1, captures: 0, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 0 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(1, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 20, captures: 0, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 0 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(2, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 400, captures: 0, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 0 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(3, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 8902, captures: 34, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 12 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(4, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 197281, captures: 1576, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 469 }); // assert_eq!(board.perft(5, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 4865609, captures: 82719, en_passants: 258, castles: 0, checks: 27351 }); } #[test] fn position_perft() { let fen = String::from("r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - "); let board = Board::from_FEN(fen); let mut gm = Grossmeister::new(board); assert_eq!(gm.perft(0, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 1, captures: 0, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 0 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(1, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 48, captures: 8, en_passants: 0, castles: 2 , checks: 0 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(2, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 2039, captures: 351, en_passants: 1, castles: 91 , checks: 3 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(3, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 97862, captures: 17102, en_passants: 45, castles: 3162, checks: 993 }); // assert_eq!(board.perft(4, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 4085603, captures: 757163, en_passants: 1929, castles: 128013, checks: 25523 }); } #[test] fn endgame_perft() { let fen = String::from("8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3p1k/8/4P1P1/8 w - - "); let board = Board::from_FEN(fen); let mut gm = Grossmeister::new(board); assert_eq!(gm.perft(1, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 14, captures: 1, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 2 }); assert_eq!(gm.perft(2, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 191, captures: 14, en_passants: 0, castles: 0 , checks: 10 }); // assert_eq!(board.perft(3, false), PerftResult { leaf_nodes: 2812, captures: 209, en_passants: 2, castles: 0 , checks: 267 }); } #[test] fn checkmate() { let fen = String::from("2kr1b1r/pp1npppp/2p1bn2/7q/5B2/2NB1Q1P/PPP1N1P1/2KR3R w - - 0 1"); let board = Board::from_FEN(fen); let mut gm = Grossmeister::new(board); let (score, pv) = gm.iterative_deepening(8, Duration::from_secs(15), true); assert_eq!(score, VALUE_WIN); assert_eq!(pv, vec![ Move { source: Square::F3, target: Square::C6, kind: MoveKind::Capture }, Move { source: Square::B7, target: Square::C6, kind: MoveKind::Capture }, Move { source: Square::D3, target: Square::A6, kind: MoveKind::Quiet }, ]); } #[test] fn stupid_knight_sac() { let fen = String::from("r3k1r1/pp3ppp/1q6/2ppPn2/6P1/1PPP1P2/P1N3KP/R2QR3 b - - 0 18"); let mut board = Board::from_FEN(fen); board.ply += 1; // TODO: remove me when FEN parsing includes side to move let mut gm = Grossmeister::new(board); let (_, pv) = gm.iterative_deepening(6, Duration::from_secs(60), true); assert_eq!( pv[0], Move { source: Square::F5, target: Square::H4, kind: MoveKind::Quiet }, "You should save this poor knight from danger!" ); } #[test] fn weird_bishop_sac() { let fen = String::from("r1b1k1nr/p4pp1/1pp1p3/4n2p/1b1qP3/1B1P3N/PPPBQPPP/RN2K2R w KQkq - 7 10"); let board = Board::from_FEN(fen); let mut gm = Grossmeister::new(board); let (_, pv) = gm.iterative_deepening(5, Duration::from_secs(60), true); assert_eq!( pv[0], Move { source: Square::C2, target: Square::C3, kind: MoveKind::Quiet }, "You should fork this bastard!" ); } }