# chrono-cube Frontend part of ChronoCube web application - a professional timer for speecubing with simple UI, scoreboard, guides and statistics analysis. # Technologies stack - [React.js](https://reactjs.org/) - [Material UI components](https://material-ui.com/) # Getting started To run the project, you should have [Node Package Manager](https://www.npmjs.com/) installed. It's also recommended to use [Node Version Manager](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm). 1. `npm i` (shorthand for `npm install`) - install project dependencies. 2. `npm start` - run the project. # Contribute [Contribute to ChronoCube](https://github.com/users/Eug-VS/projects/3) Recommended IDE - [WebStorm](https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/). It's also preferable to install `Styled Components & Styled JSX` plugin.