# !/bin/bash # Generate layout from JSON in a separate # workspace and open nvim + alacritty. # Requires workspace.json (see $LAYOUT, can be copied # from config/i3/workspace.json). LAYOUT=~/.config/i3/workspace.json WORKSPACE=$(($(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | tr , '\n' | grep '"num":' | cut -d : -f 2 | sort -rn | head -1) + 1)) WORKDIR=$1 i3-msg "workspace $WORKSPACE; append_layout $LAYOUT" alacritty --title "nvim" --working-directory $WORKDIR -e zsh -c "nvim; zsh" & alacritty --title "primary-terminal" --working-directory $WORKDIR -e zsh & alacritty --title "secondary-terminal" --working-directory $WORKDIR -e zsh & # Fix weird nvim + Alacritty behaviour # TODO: remove this hack after you start using Tmux sleep 0.3 i3-msg reload