# Environment I try to keep my desktop very minimal and [suckless](https://suckless.org).  ## General ### Dynamic Window Manager I use my own patched version of [suckless `dwm`](https://dwm.suckless.org/): https://github.com/eug-vs/dwm Patches included: - Respects [Xresources](../../.Xresources) - `Mod` is set to `Super` - Unused tags are hidden - Gaps between windows - Customized bar - [Swallow](https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/swallow/) patch ### Simple terminal I use my own patched version of [suckless `st`](https://st.suckless.org/): https://github.com/eug-vs/st Patches included: - Respects [Xresources](../../.Xresources) - Zoom `Ctrl+(-/0)` - Fills all space allocated by WM ### Dmenu - application launcher I also use customized `dmenu`: https://github.com/eug-vs/dmenu Patches included: - Respects [Xresources](../../.Xresources) - Matches line height to statusbar ### Dwmblocks - status bar I use `dwmblocks` combined with [i3blocks-modules](https://github.com/cytopia/i3blocks-modules) scripts for a cool status bar: https://github.com/eug-vs/dwmblocks ## Appearance Appearance of all apps is controlled via [Xresources](../../.Xresources). ### Colorscheme I <3 `gruvbox`: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox ### Fonts I use `nerd-fonts`, at the moment my font of choice is `Fira Code`.