Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeLines
* blog: improving my password management with passeug-vs2022-12-05-0/+33
* blog: multi-user setup is finally figuredeug-vs2022-10-30-0/+53
* fix: correct imagemagick emojieug-vs2022-10-30-0/+0
* feat: add linkedin and barter infoeug-vs2022-10-17-0/+3
* blog: tell your designed that you use tailwindeug-vs2022-10-17-0/+40
* blog: latest articleseug-vs2022-10-01-2/+101
* fix: correct imagemagick imageeug-vs2022-04-24-1/+1
* fix: specify utf-8 encodingfeat/benzineug-vs2022-04-24-1/+4
* blog: creating gentoo ebuilds is easy as fuckeug-vs2022-04-24-0/+87
* fix: add missing componentseug-vs2022-04-21-11/+188
* feat: setup templateseug-vs2022-04-21-3/+12
* refactor: change prject structureeug-vs2022-04-21-359/+37
* feat: remove old scriptseug-vs2022-04-21-109/+0
* feat: use corrrect date formats in RSSeug-vs2022-04-20-1/+2
* feat: add RSS link to the main pageeug-vs2022-04-20-1/+7
* feat: add RSS feed generationeug-vs2022-04-20-8/+31
* feat: grab openring urls from fileeug-vs2022-04-20-15/+22
* feat: add openring footer to blog postseug-vs2022-04-20-3/+58
* fix: add missing imageseug-vs2022-04-19-0/+0
* feat: use local font instead of remoteeug-vs2022-04-19-3/+4
* feat: add bitter fonteug-vs2022-04-19-0/+3
* style: use hover-underline links instead of boldeug-vs2022-04-19-2/+4
* feat: use more of the wiki-styleeug-vs2022-04-19-26/+31
* feat: update main pageeug-vs2022-04-19-5/+7
* blog: patching Gentoo packages in the wildeug-vs2022-04-19-0/+49
* feat: decrese code paddingseug-vs2022-04-17-1/+1
* blog: running Gentoo on multiple workstationseug-vs2022-04-17-0/+52
* feat: add border on inline codeeug-vs2022-04-17-0/+2
* feat: improve font in code tagseug-vs2022-04-09-3/+6
* feat: remove hyphens on word-breakeug-vs2022-04-09-1/+0
* blog: DWM - useless gaps are useless!eug-vs2022-04-02-0/+87
* blog: infrastructure management with ansibleeug-vs2022-03-28-0/+63
* feat: add meme to last blogposteug-vs2022-03-25-1/+3
* blog: here comes my git servereug-vs2022-03-24-2/+13
* feat: add git server linkeug-vs2022-03-17-0/+5
* blog: add 2022 articleseug-vs2022-03-17-0/+29
* blog: pistol - yet another ASCII renderereug-vs2022-03-17-0/+12
* blog: i'm playing with Rusteug-vs2022-03-17-0/+78
* fix(style): make emojis smallereug-vs2022-01-19-1/+1
* feat(style): use lower font sizeeug-vs2022-01-19-4/+2
* feat!: use non-root user in rsync destinationeug-vs2022-01-19-1/+1
* feat: use true gruvbox colorseug-vs2022-01-19-11/+9
* blog: you should start using ssh-copy-id now!eug-vs2021-10-06-0/+21
* blog(fix): add missing foodeug-vs2021-09-24-0/+1
* blog: i'm back on carnivoreeug-vs2021-09-21-0/+24
* blog: summer 2021 - retrospectiveeug-vs2021-09-10-0/+26
* feat: set html lang attributeeug-vs2021-08-20-1/+1
* style: improve links and change blog titleeug-vs2021-08-20-2/+2
* style: use icons consistentlyeug-vs2021-08-19-12/+98
| | | | | | The idea is: - If the word is in the sentence, icon comes after it - If the word itself is a sentence (e.g heading), icon comes first
* feat: improve Support Me sectioneug-vs2021-08-18-4/+8