# Here comes my git server :fire: I've mirrored all of my important projects from GitHub :github: (along with some unpublished ones) to my personal git server: https://git.eug-vs.xyz It includes: - My [dotfiles](https://git.eug-vs.xyz/eug-vs/dotfiles/) - My builds of [suckless sotftware](https://suckless.org) - [Source code](https://git.eug-vs.xyz/eug-vs/eug-vs-xyz/) for this website - My [homelab infrastructure](https://git.eug-vs.xyz/eug-vs/infrastructure/) (subject for the upcoming blog post) - And [more](https://git.eug-vs.xyz)...  I'm using [cgit](https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/) as a web fronted to it. There still is some misconfiguration here and there, but it works. Check it out!