# About me
I'm **Eugene** - software developer, enthusiast and a cool guy. Here I share information based on my experience in different topics. I'm interested in tech, math, privacy, linguistics, nutrition, health, psychology and philosophy.

# About this website
This website runs on my local [Raspberry Pi :raspberry-pi:](https://www.raspberrypi.org/) and features secure **HTTPS** connection!

It's just a series of interlinked wiki-pages that I write in **Markdown** :markdown: . Checkout more info on my [blog post](/blog/2021-07-02.md)!

No bullshit, ads, trackers or client-side JavaScript here.

# My git server
Check out my projects here: https://git.eug-vs.xyz

# Recent blog posts
 - [See all...](./blog/index.md)

# Articles
 - [TaskWarrior :taskwarrior: is all you need to be productive!](./articles/taskwarrior.md)

# Contacts
 - :email: eugene@eug-vs.xyz
 - :telegram: [Telegram](https://t.me/eug_vs)
 - :github: [GitHub](https://github.com/eug-vs)
 - :instagram:  [Instagram](https://instagram.com/eug.vs)

# Support me
## :brave-bat: Brave rewards
I accept tips via **Brave Rewards**. [How to send a tip?](https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021123971-How-do-I-tip-websites-and-Content-Creators-in-Brave-Rewards-)

## :monero: Monero
My Monero donation address:

