# I'm back on Carnivore! :meat_on_bone:
This weekend I bought a new high-quality pan and now I just can't resist going back to carnivore diet.


You really see the difference in the cooking process - the surface is big, heat is distributed evenly, it produces less smoke - it all adds up to a much better cooking experience :fire:


I've been thinking of going back to carnivore for a long time already, but this pan finally pushed me to do it. I'm not going **full carnivore** though, this is the list of the food I'm planning to eat:
 - All sorts of meat :meat_on_bone:
 - Liver (~1-2 times a week)
 - Fish (~once a week) :fish:
 - Eggs :egg:
 - Coffee :coffee:
 - Diary:
   - Cheese :cheese:
   - Cottage cheese
   - Butter :butter:
   - Sour-cream
  - Bananas :banana:
  - Lemon :lemon:

This is of course not a perfect list, ideally I would remove bananas and diary from here, but I'll start with this because I already used it for ~3 months before. I find lemon really important to support the levels of vitamin C. But that's what works for me, it might now work for you of course.