use cgmath::prelude::*; use cgmath::{Matrix3, Vector3}; use crate::screen::ScreenIterator; type Vector = Vector3; // The physical screen that camera projects onto #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Screen { pub width: f32, pub height: f32, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Camera { pub position: Vector, pub direction: Vector, pub up: Vector, pub distance: f32, pub speed: f32, pub turn_rate: f32, pub screen: Screen, } const ASPECT_RATIO: f32 = 2.0 / 3.0; impl Camera { pub fn new(position: Vector, look_at: Vector, angle: f32, distance: f32) -> Self { let width = distance * 2.0 * (angle / 2.0).tan(); let height = width * ASPECT_RATIO; Self { position, direction: (look_at - position).normalize(), up: Vector::unit_z(), distance, screen: Screen { width, height }, speed: 0.15, turn_rate: 90.0, } } pub fn get_screen_iterator(self) -> ScreenIterator { // Linear transormation operator for calculating screen position // Assumes "initial" screen is perpendicular to OX // and it's bottom edge is parallel to OY let operator = Matrix3::from_cols( self.direction * self.distance, self.direction.cross(self.up) * self.screen.width, -self.up * self.screen.height, ); ScreenIterator::from_screen_position( operator * Vector::new(1.0, -0.5, -0.5), operator * Vector::unit_z(), operator * Vector::unit_y(), ) } }