use cgmath::Matrix3; use cgmath::Vector3; use cgmath::prelude::*; use ncurses::addch; use ncurses::addstr; use std::f32; use std::f32::consts::PI; use std::time::Instant; type Vector = Vector3; pub const HEIGHT: i32 = 50; pub const WIDTH: i32 = HEIGHT * 3; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Camera { pub time: f32, pub position: Vector, pub direction: Vector, pub up: Vector, pub light: Vector, pub angle: f32, pub distance: f32, pub brightness: f32, pub aspect_ratio: f32, pub speed: f32, pub turn_rate: f32, pub width: f32, pub height: f32, pub palette: Vec, } fn softmin(left: f32, right: f32, k: f32) -> f32 { // return left.min(right); let h = (k-(left-right).abs()).max(0.0) / k; return left.min(right) - h*h*k*(1.0/4.0); } fn sd_sphere(point: Vector, center: Vector, radius: f32) -> f32 { (point - center).magnitude() - radius } fn sd_box(point: Vector, center: Vector, size: Vector) -> f32 { let diff = center - point; let q =|n| n.abs()) - size / 2.0; return|n| n.max(0.0)).magnitude() + (q.y.max(q.z).max(q.x)).min(0.0) } impl Camera { pub fn sd_gear(&self, point: Vector, center: Vector, radius: f32, thickness: f32, turn_rate: f32) -> f32 { let mut dist: f32; let thickness_over_2 = thickness / 2.0; let thickness_over_4 = thickness / 4.0; // Ring { let cylinder_dist = (Vector::new(0.0, point.y, point.z) - center).magnitude() - (radius - thickness_over_4); dist = cylinder_dist.abs() - thickness_over_2; // Make cylinder hollow } // Teeth { let sector_angle: f32 = 2.0 * PI / 12.0; // Account for rotation with time let angle = sector_angle * self.time / turn_rate; let rotated_point = Vector::new( point.x, point.y * angle.cos() - point.z * angle.sin(), point.y * angle.sin() + point.z * angle.cos() ); // Map all space to the first sector let point_angle = (rotated_point.z / rotated_point.y).atan(); let angle2 = -sector_angle * (point_angle / sector_angle).round(); let mapped_point = Vector::new( rotated_point.x, (rotated_point.y * angle2.cos() - rotated_point.z * angle2.sin()).abs(), rotated_point.y * angle2.sin() + rotated_point.z * angle2.cos() ); let center = Vector { x: 0.0, y: radius + thickness_over_2, z: 0.0 }; let size = Vector::new(thickness, thickness * 2.0, thickness); // Make teeth smooth by subtracting some amount dist = dist.min(sd_box(mapped_point, center, size) - thickness_over_4); } // Take a slice dist = dist.max(point.x.abs() - thickness_over_2); return dist; } pub fn sdf(&self, point: Vector) -> f32 { self.sd_gear(point, Vector::zero(), 3.0, 0.6, 10.0) } pub fn render(& mut self) { // Linear transormation operator for calculating screen position // Assumes "initial" screen is perpendicular to OX // and it's bottom edge is parallel to OY let operator = Matrix3::from_cols( self.direction * self.distance, self.direction.cross(self.up) * self.width, -self.up * self.height, ); let mut ray_dir = operator * Vector::new(1.0, -0.5, -0.5); // Corner let step_v = operator * Vector3::unit_z() / HEIGHT as f32; let step_h = operator * Vector3::unit_y() / WIDTH as f32; for _i in 0..HEIGHT as usize { ray_dir += step_v; let mut row = "\n".to_string(); for _j in 0..WIDTH as usize { ray_dir += step_h; let collision = self.ray_marching(self.position, ray_dir); let brightness = match collision { Some(point) => self.light_point(point), None => 0.0 }; row.push(self.palette[((1.0 - brightness) * (self.palette.len() - 1) as f32) as usize]); } ray_dir -= step_h * WIDTH as f32; addstr(&row); } } pub fn normal(&self, point: Vector) -> Vector { let d = 0.001; let dx = Vector::unit_x() * d; let dy = Vector::unit_y() * d; let dz = Vector::unit_z() * d; let sdf = self.sdf(point); return (Vector { x: (self.sdf(point + dx) - sdf), y: (self.sdf(point + dy) - sdf), z: (self.sdf(point + dz) - sdf), } / d).normalize() } pub fn ray_marching(&self, origin: Vector, direction: Vector) -> Option { let threshold = 0.1; let ray = direction.normalize(); let mut point = origin; let mut dist = 0.0; let mut count = 0; while dist < self.brightness && count < 10 { count += 1; dist = self.sdf(point); if dist.abs() < threshold { return Some(point); } point += ray * dist; } return None } pub fn light_point(&self, point: Vector) -> f32 { let ambient = 0.1; return ambient + (1.0 - ambient) * (self.diffuse_lighting(point) * 0.7 + self.specular_lighting(point) * 0.3) } pub fn diffuse_lighting(&self, point: Vector) -> f32 { let mut res: f32 = 1.0; let mut t = 0.1; let k = 4.0; while t < 1.0 { let h = self.sdf(point - self.light * t); if h < 0.001 { return 0.00 } res = res.min(k * h / t); t += h; } return res } pub fn specular_lighting(&self, point: Vector) -> f32 { let normal = self.normal(point); let dot = -(; return dot.min(1.0).max(0.0) } }