use cgmath::prelude::*; use cgmath::Vector3; use std::f32::consts::PI; type Vector = Vector3; pub trait Object: Send + Sync { fn sdf(&self, point: Vector, time: f32) -> f32; } pub struct Sphere { pub center: Vector, pub radius: f32, } impl Object for Sphere { fn sdf(&self, point: Vector, time: f32) -> f32 { (point - - self.radius + (time % 5.0) / 50.0 } } pub struct SDBox { pub center: Vector, pub size: Vector, } impl Object for SDBox { fn sdf(&self, point: Vector, _time: f32) -> f32 { let diff = - point; let q =|n| n.abs()) - self.size / 2.0;|n| n.max(0.0)).magnitude() + (q.y.max(q.z).max(q.x)).min(0.0) } } pub struct Gear { pub center: Vector, pub radius: f32, pub thickness: f32, pub turn_rate: f32, } impl Object for Gear { fn sdf(&self, point: Vector, time: f32) -> f32 { let point = point -; let mut dist: f32; let thickness_over_2 = self.thickness / 2.0; let thickness_over_4 = self.thickness / 4.0; // Ring { let cylinder_dist = (Vector::new(0.0, point.y, point.z)).magnitude() - (self.radius - thickness_over_4); dist = cylinder_dist.abs() - thickness_over_2; // Make cylinder hollow } // Teeth { let sector_angle: f32 = 2.0 * PI / 12.0; // Account for rotation with time let angle = sector_angle * time / self.turn_rate; let rotated_point = Vector::new( point.x, point.y * angle.cos() - point.z * angle.sin(), point.y * angle.sin() + point.z * angle.cos(), ); // Map all space to the first sector let point_angle = (rotated_point.z / rotated_point.y).atan(); let angle2 = -sector_angle * (point_angle / sector_angle).round(); let mapped_point = Vector::new( rotated_point.x, (rotated_point.y * angle2.cos() - rotated_point.z * angle2.sin()).abs(), rotated_point.y * angle2.sin() + rotated_point.z * angle2.cos(), ); // Make teeth smooth by subtracting some amount dist = dist.min( SDBox { center: Vector { x: 0.0, y: self.radius + thickness_over_2, z: 0.0, }, size: Vector::new(self.thickness, self.thickness * 2.0, self.thickness), } .sdf(mapped_point, time) - thickness_over_4, ); } // Take a slice dist = dist.max(point.x.abs() - thickness_over_2); dist } }