# telegram-based-wojak
Source images and convert script for **based wojak** stickerpack.
Add stickerpack: https://t.me/addstickers/BasedWojak
# Example
Here's the example source images (*left*) and generated stickers (*right*). Notice how stickers are cropped to avoid wasting space.

# Usage
## Prerequisites
- [make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/)
- [imagemagick](https://imagemagick.org) - used to convert source images into stickers
- [sxiv](https://github.com/muennich/sxiv) - optional, can be used to gallery-preview stickerpack
## Generating stickerpack
In order to generate telegram-adapted stickers from the images in `src` directory, simply run:
$ make
Generated stickers are located in `out` directory, you can preview them with `sxiv`:
$ make view
- Automatically publish new stickers using `CircleCI`
# Contributing
Feel free to submit a *Pull Request* and add more stickers!