REST API for Which - social web-app focused on choosing between two options (images).
Development :hammer_and_wrench:
Track our progress - KANBAN board:fire:
Technology stack
Building and running
Running in Docker :whale:
You only need to have Docker
and docker-compose
installed for this step.
Turn off Mongo service to avoid port conflicts (container also exposes port 2707).
docker-compose up
This will build and run which-api
container along with linked mongo
For local development :construction:
You need to have Mongo running at port 27017.
npm install
npm start
Deployment :rocket:
Despite having Docker setup, which-api
is currently deployed to Heroku,
and MongoDB is located in Mongo Atlas.
API BASE URL: https://which-api.herokuapp.com/
MONGODB_URI: mongodb+srv://cluster0.iayve.mongodb.net/which