import { HookContext } from '@feathersjs/feathers'; import Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Debug from 'debug'; const debug = Debug('s3-reuploads'); export default (paths: string[]) => async (context: HookContext): Promise => { const { service, app, result, params: { user } } = context; const fileService = app.service('files'); const model = service.Model;, async (path: string) => { const url = _.get(result, path); // If image is not from our s3, fetch it! if (!fileService.isS3url(url)) { debug('Found non-s3 url!'); const filePath = await fileService.downloadFile(url); const s3Path = fileService.generateS3Path(user?.username); const s3Url = await fileService.uploadFileToS3(filePath, s3Path); await model.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: result._id }, { $set: { [path]: s3Url } }); debug(`Fetched and updated: from ${url} to ${s3Url}`); return s3Url; } return url; }); return context; };