const metrics = [ { name: 'minute', ratio: 60 }, { name: 'hour', ratio: 60 }, { name: 'day', ratio: 24 }, { name: 'week', ratio: 7 }, { name: 'month', ratio: 4 }, { name: 'year', ratio: 12 } ]; const PRECISION = 0.85; const resolve = (value: number, metricIndex = 0): string => { // Recursively divide value until it's ready to be presented as a string const metric = metrics[metricIndex]; const nextMetric = metrics[metricIndex + 1]; const newValue = value / metric.ratio; if (newValue < nextMetric.ratio * PRECISION) { const rounded = Math.round(newValue); const isPlural = rounded > 1; const count = isPlural ? rounded : 'a'; const ending = isPlural ? 's' : ''; return `${count} ${}${ending} ago`; } return resolve(newValue, metricIndex + 1); }; const compactDateString = (date: Date): string => { const now = new Date(); const diff = (now.valueOf() - date.valueOf()) / 1000; if (diff < 60) return 'just now'; return resolve(diff); }; export default compactDateString;