Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeLines
* feat: print bitboard more visually appealingHEADmastereug-vs2022-09-14-1/+1
* feat: add initial attacksToSquareeug-vs2022-09-14-25/+60
* refactor: use lowerCamelCase for functionseug-vs2022-09-14-50/+50
* feat: implement bitscanAndReseteug-vs2022-09-14-2/+15
* refactor: separate bitboard functionalityeug-vs2022-09-14-62/+88
* feat: compute pawn attack tableeug-vs2022-09-14-20/+44
* docs: add testing sectioneug-vs2022-09-14-0/+3
* feat: precompute king attack tableseug-vs2022-09-14-18/+46
* fix: correctly display test subtotalseug-vs2022-09-14-2/+4
* test: add more unit tests to FEN parsingeug-vs2022-09-14-4/+7
* test: group unittests into sectionseug-vs2022-09-14-8/+28
* feat: parse FEN to generate a boardeug-vs2022-09-14-0/+92
* feat: compute knight attack tableeug-vs2022-09-14-17/+81
* feat: add notationseug-vs2022-09-13-2/+23
* chore: setup primitive testing frameworkeug-vs2022-09-13-3/+57
* chore: initialize projecteug-vs2022-09-13-0/+82