path: root/blocks.h
diff options
authorAidan <torrinfail@gmail.com>2020-08-11 20:50:11 -0600
committerAidan <torrinfail@gmail.com>2020-08-11 20:50:11 -0600
commit7e0bc3f5801ba70fcf6d5824a74e29836b2d57b7 (patch)
treeba94fff7539fe56c8ebf37a59faf2dabc545304c /blocks.h
parent8893f2d08aed826532fbb7a7b63e20c5bd938563 (diff)
added blocks.def.h to act as default blocks file so that changes made in
the future will not affect csutom blocks.h files.
Diffstat (limited to 'blocks.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/blocks.h b/blocks.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 31e98af..0000000
--- a/blocks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-//Modify this file to change what commands output to your statusbar, and recompile using the make command.
-static const Block blocks[] = {
- /*Icon*/ /*Command*/ /*Update Interval*/ /*Update Signal*/
- {"", "cat ~/.pacupdate | sed /📦0/d", 0, 9},
- {"🧠", "free -h | awk '/^Mem/ { print $3\"/\"$2 }' | sed s/i//g", 30, 0},
- {"", "~/bin/statusbar/volume", 0, 10},
- {"☀", "xbacklight | sed 's/\\..*//'", 0, 11},
- {"", "~/bin/statusbar/battery", 5, 0},
- {"🌡", "sensors | awk '/^temp1:/{print $2}'", 5, 0},
- {"", "~/bin/statusbar/clock", 5, 0},
-//sets delimeter between status commands. NULL character ('\0') means no delimeter.
-static char delim = '|';