path: root/src/pages
diff options
authoreug-vs <eug-vs@keemail.me>2020-08-10 00:28:39 +0300
committereug-vs <eug-vs@keemail.me>2020-08-10 00:28:39 +0300
commit7ba15a22d1bd57e7c26ff2d5fccf5505aaf8619e (patch)
tree8a71d8dd4bf89f09f14aee2636f519572e95f891 /src/pages
parentdfa6f0a8d1415539e1ff6a3ca848627bbe87b470 (diff)
refactor: move pages -> containers
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pages')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 1103 deletions
diff --git a/src/pages/FeedPage/FeedPage.tsx b/src/pages/FeedPage/FeedPage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index da0fb2a..0000000
--- a/src/pages/FeedPage/FeedPage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { Poll } from 'which-types';
-import { Container } from '@material-ui/core/';
-import Feed from '../../components/Feed/Feed';
-import PollSubmission from './PollSubmission';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-import { useFeed } from '../../hooks/APIClient';
-const FeedPage: React.FC = () => {
- const { data, mutate } = useFeed();
- const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth();
- const addPoll = (poll: Poll): void => {
- mutate([poll, ...data], true);
- };
- return (
- <Container maxWidth="sm" disableGutters>
- {isAuthenticated && <PollSubmission addPoll={addPoll} />}
- <Feed polls={data} />
- </Container>
- );
-export default FeedPage;
diff --git a/src/pages/FeedPage/PollSubmission.tsx b/src/pages/FeedPage/PollSubmission.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 347eecc..0000000
--- a/src/pages/FeedPage/PollSubmission.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import Collapse from '@material-ui/core/Collapse';
-import {
- Button,
- Card,
- ClickAwayListener,
- Divider
-} from '@material-ui/core';
-import { Poll, Which } from 'which-types';
-import { useSnackbar } from 'notistack';
-import PollSubmissionImage from './PollSubmissionImage';
-import UserStrip from '../../components/UserStrip/UserStrip';
-import { post } from '../../requests';
-import { Contents } from './types';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-interface PropTypes{
- addPoll: (poll: Poll) => void;
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- marginBottom: theme.spacing(4)
- },
- images: {
- height: theme.spacing(50),
- display: 'flex'
- }
-const emptyContents: Contents = {
- left: { url: '' },
- right: { url: '' }
-const PollSubmission: React.FC<PropTypes> = ({ addPoll }) => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
- const [contents, setContents] = useState<Contents>(emptyContents);
- const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
- const { user } = useAuth();
- const readyToSubmit = contents.left.url && contents.right.url;
- const setUrl = (which: Which) => (url: string): void => {
- setContents({ ...contents, [which]: { url } });
- };
- const handleClickAway = () => {
- setExpanded(false);
- };
- const handleClick = () => {
- if (expanded && readyToSubmit) {
- post('/polls/', { contents }).then(response => {
- addPoll(response.data);
- enqueueSnackbar('Your poll has been successfully created!', {
- variant: 'success'
- });
- });
- setContents({ ...emptyContents });
- }
- setExpanded(!expanded);
- };
- return (
- <ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleClickAway}>
- <Card className={classes.root}>
- <Collapse in={expanded} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
- {user && <UserStrip user={user} info="" />}
- <Divider />
- <div className={classes.images}>
- <PollSubmissionImage url={contents.left.url} setUrl={setUrl('left')} />
- <PollSubmissionImage url={contents.right.url} setUrl={setUrl('right')} />
- </div>
- </Collapse>
- <Button
- color="primary"
- disabled={expanded && !readyToSubmit}
- variant={expanded ? 'contained' : 'outlined'}
- onClick={handleClick}
- fullWidth
- >
- {expanded ? 'Submit' : 'Create a Poll'}
- </Button>
- </Card>
- </ClickAwayListener>
- );
-export default PollSubmission;
diff --git a/src/pages/FeedPage/PollSubmissionImage.tsx b/src/pages/FeedPage/PollSubmissionImage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8835989..0000000
--- a/src/pages/FeedPage/PollSubmissionImage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import CloudUploadIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CloudUpload';
-import { CardActionArea, CardMedia, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
-import CancelOutlinedIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CancelOutlined';
-import UploadImage from '../../components/UploadImage/UploadImage';
-interface PropTypes {
- url: string;
- setUrl: (url: string) => void;
-const useStyles = makeStyles({
- root: {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- flexDirection: 'column',
- alignItems: 'center'
- },
- clearIcon: {
- opacity: '.5',
- fontSize: 50
- },
- media: {
- height: '100%',
- width: '100%',
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center'
- },
- text: {
- textAlign: 'center'
- }
-const PollSubmissionImage: React.FC<PropTypes> = ({ url, setUrl }) => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);
- const [isMediaHover, setIsMediaHover] = useState(false);
- const handleClick = (): void => {
- if (!isModalOpen) {
- if (url) setUrl('');
- else setIsModalOpen(!isModalOpen);
- }
- };
- const handleMouseEnter = (): void => {
- setIsMediaHover(true);
- };
- const handleMouseLeave = (): void => {
- setIsMediaHover(false);
- };
- const Upload = (
- <>
- <CloudUploadIcon fontSize="large" color="primary" />
- <Typography variant="h5" className={classes.text}> Upload an image </Typography>
- </>
- );
- const Media = (
- <CardMedia
- image={url}
- className={classes.media}
- onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter}
- onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave}
- >
- {isMediaHover && <CancelOutlinedIcon className={classes.clearIcon} />}
- </CardMedia>
- );
- return (
- <>
- <CardActionArea onClick={handleClick} className={classes.root}>
- {url ? Media : Upload}
- </CardActionArea>
- <UploadImage isOpen={isModalOpen} setIsOpen={setIsModalOpen} callback={setUrl} />
- </>
- );
-export default PollSubmissionImage;
diff --git a/src/pages/FeedPage/types.ts b/src/pages/FeedPage/types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 24ace4e..0000000
--- a/src/pages/FeedPage/types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-export interface ImageData {
- url: string;
-export interface Contents {
- left: ImageData;
- right: ImageData;
diff --git a/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.tsx b/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b1dc506..0000000
--- a/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
-import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
-import {
- Typography,
- Divider,
- Grid,
- Button,
- Link,
- useMediaQuery
-} from '@material-ui/core/';
-import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import TrendingUpIcon from '@material-ui/icons/TrendingUp';
-import { Rating } from '@material-ui/lab';
-import { Feedback } from 'which-types';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-import { get } from '../../requests';
-import ReviewCard from '../../components/ReviewCard/ReviewCard';
-import ReviewForm from './ReviewForm';
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- overflow: 'hidden',
- padding: theme.spacing(0, 2)
- },
- logo: {
- width: theme.spacing(20),
- height: theme.spacing(20)
- },
- score: {
- fontWeight: 'bold'
- },
- signup: {
- marginLeft: theme.spacing(2)
- },
- reviews: {
- [theme.breakpoints.up('md')]: {
- padding: theme.spacing(0, 10)
- }
- }
-const HomePage: React.FC = () => {
- const [feedbacks, setFeedbacks] = useState<Feedback[]>([]);
- const classes = useStyles();
- const history = useHistory();
- const { isAuthenticated, user } = useAuth();
- const theme = useTheme();
- const isMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));
- const rating = feedbacks.length && feedbacks.reduce(
- (acc: number, feedback: Feedback) => acc + feedback.score,
- 0
- ) / feedbacks.length;
- useEffect(() => {
- get('/feedback').then(response => {
- setFeedbacks(response.data);
- });
- }, []);
- const handleLetsGo = () => {
- history.push('/feed');
- };
- const handleSignUp = () => {
- history.push('/registration');
- };
- const GithubLink = <Link href="https://github.com/which-ecosystem">GitHub</Link>;
- const TypescriptLink = <Link href="https://www.typescriptlang.org/">Typescript</Link>;
- const ReactLink = <Link href="https://reactjs.org/">React</Link>;
- const FeathersLink = <Link href="https://feathersjs.com">Feathers</Link>;
- const MUILink = <Link href="https://material-ui.com">Material-UI</Link>;
- const EmailLink = <Link href="mailto: eug-vs@keemail.me">eug-vs@keemail.me</Link>;
- const Reviews = (
- <div className={classes.reviews}>
- {feedbacks.map(feedback => <ReviewCard feedback={feedback} />)}
- </div>
- );
- const FeedbackSection = feedbacks.findIndex((feedback: Feedback) => feedback.author._id === user?._id) >= 0 ? (
- <p>
- You have already left feedback for this version.
- If you have more to say, please open GitHub issue or contact us directly via email: {EmailLink}.
- Alternatively, you can just wait for another application patch to come out.
- </p>
- ) : (
- <>
- <p>
- Here you can share your thougts about Which with us!
- Note that you can ony leave feedback once per application version (there will be plenty of them later).
- </p>
- {isAuthenticated ? <ReviewForm /> : (
- <>
- <p> You must be authorized to leave feedback.</p>
- <Button
- variant="outlined"
- color="primary"
- onClick={handleSignUp}
- >
- sign in
- </Button>
- </>
- )}
- </>
- );
- return (
- <div className={classes.root}>
- <Grid container spacing={4}>
- <Grid item xs={12} md={4}>
- <Grid container direction="column" spacing={1} alignItems="center">
- <Grid item>
- <img src={`${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/which-logo-512.png`} alt="logo" className={classes.logo} />
- </Grid>
- <Grid item>
- {rating !== 0 && <Rating value={rating} readOnly size="large" />}
- </Grid>
- <Grid item>
- {rating !== 0 && (
- <Typography variant="h5" className={classes.score}>
- User score: {rating.toFixed(1)}
- </Typography>
- )}
- </Grid>
- </Grid>
- {isMobile || Reviews}
- </Grid>
- <Grid item xs={12} md={5}>
- <Grid container direction="column" spacing={6}>
- <Grid item>
- <Typography variant="h4"> Which one to choose? </Typography>
- <Divider />
- <Typography>
- <p>
- Have you ever found yourself stuck between two options, not being able to choose any?
- This is exactly the problem we are going to solve!
- </p>
- <p>Share your minor everyday uncertainties with the whole world and see what others think!</p>
- <Button variant="contained" color="primary" size="large" onClick={handleLetsGo}>
- {'let\'s go!'}
- </Button>
- {!isAuthenticated && (
- <Button
- variant="outlined"
- color="primary"
- size="large"
- className={classes.signup}
- onClick={handleSignUp}
- >
- sign up
- </Button>
- )}
- </Typography>
- </Grid>
- <Grid item>
- <Typography variant="h4"> About the project </Typography>
- <Divider />
- <Typography>
- <p>
- The project is written in {TypescriptLink} and features {ReactLink}, {FeathersLink}, and {MUILink}.
- It is currently open-source and you can visit our {GithubLink} (make sure to star our repositories)!
- </p>
- <p>
- We encourage any developer to check it out. Feel free to open issues and create Pull Requests!
- </p>
- <p>
- All the development process is being tracked on the KanBan board (thanks GitHub).
- You can always check it to see what is the current state of the project.
- </p>
- <Button
- variant="outlined"
- color="primary"
- startIcon={<TrendingUpIcon />}
- href="https://github.com/orgs/which-ecosystem/projects/1"
- >
- track our progress
- </Button>
- </Typography>
- </Grid>
- <Grid item>
- <Typography variant="h4"> Leave feedback </Typography>
- <Divider />
- <Typography>
- {FeedbackSection}
- </Typography>
- </Grid>
- {isMobile && (
- <Grid item>
- {Reviews}
- </Grid>
- )}
- </Grid>
- </Grid>
- </Grid>
- </div>
- );
-export default HomePage;
diff --git a/src/pages/HomePage/ReviewForm.tsx b/src/pages/HomePage/ReviewForm.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b626ce2..0000000
--- a/src/pages/HomePage/ReviewForm.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import { TextField, Button } from '@material-ui/core';
-import { Rating } from '@material-ui/lab';
-import { useSnackbar } from 'notistack';
-import { post } from '../../requests';
-const version = 'v1.0.0';
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- display: 'flex',
- flexDirection: 'column'
- },
- textField: {
- margin: theme.spacing(2, 0)
- }
-const ReviewForm: React.FC = () => {
- const [contents, setContents] = useState<string>('');
- const [score, setScore] = useState<number>(0);
- const classes = useStyles();
- const history = useHistory();
- const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
- const handleSubmit = (): void => {
- if (score) {
- post('/feedback', { contents, score, version }).then(() => {
- enqueueSnackbar('Your feedback has been submitted!', {
- variant: 'success'
- });
- history.push('/feed');
- });
- }
- };
- const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => {
- setContents(event.target?.value || '');
- };
- const handleChangeRating = (event: React.ChangeEvent<Record<string, unknown>>, newScore: number | null): void => {
- setScore(newScore || 0);
- };
- return (
- <div className={classes.root}>
- <Rating value={score} onChange={handleChangeRating} size="large" />
- <TextField
- value={contents}
- onChange={handleChange}
- label="Feedback"
- variant="outlined"
- className={classes.textField}
- rows={4}
- multiline
- />
- <div>
- <Button
- variant="contained"
- color="primary"
- size="large"
- onClick={handleSubmit}
- >
- submit
- </Button>
- </div>
- </div>
- );
-export default ReviewForm;
diff --git a/src/pages/LoginPage/LoginPage.tsx b/src/pages/LoginPage/LoginPage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 335cbb1..0000000
--- a/src/pages/LoginPage/LoginPage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
-import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import {
- TextField,
- Button,
- FormControlLabel,
- Switch
-} from '@material-ui/core';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- '& > *': {
- margin: theme.spacing(1),
- width: theme.spacing(35)
- },
- display: 'flex',
- flexDirection: 'column',
- alignItems: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center'
- },
- formHeader: {
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 25
- },
- formTransfer: {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'center'
- },
- transferButton: {
- marginLeft: 10,
- color: 'green',
- cursor: 'pointer'
- }
-const LoginPage: React.FC = () => {
- const [error, setError] = useState<boolean>(false);
- const [remember, setRemember] = useState<boolean>(true);
- const classes = useStyles();
- const nameRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>();
- const passwordRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>();
- const { login } = useAuth();
- const history = useHistory();
- const handleCheck = () => {
- setRemember(!remember);
- };
- const handleSubmit = async () => {
- const name = nameRef.current?.value?.toLowerCase();
- const password = passwordRef.current?.value;
- if (name && password) {
- login(name, password, remember).then(success => {
- if (success) history.push(`/profile/${name}`);
- else setError(true);
- });
- }
- };
- const handleRegistration = () => {
- history.push('/registration');
- };
- return (
- <>
- <div className={classes.formHeader}>Sign In</div>
- <form className={classes.root} noValidate autoComplete="off">
- <TextField
- inputRef={nameRef}
- error={error}
- label="Login"
- />
- <TextField
- inputRef={passwordRef}
- error={error}
- helperText={error && 'Invalid credentials'}
- label="Password"
- type="password"
- />
- <FormControlLabel
- control={<Switch color="primary" onClick={handleCheck} checked={remember} size="small" />}
- label="Remember me"
- />
- <Button variant="contained" onClick={handleSubmit}>submit</Button>
- </form>
- <div className={classes.formTransfer}>
- <div>{'Don\'t have an account?'}</div>
- <span
- onClick={handleRegistration}
- className={classes.transferButton}
- role="presentation"
- >
- Sign up
- </span>
- </div>
- </>
- );
-export default LoginPage;
diff --git a/src/pages/NotificationsPage/NotificationsPage.tsx b/src/pages/NotificationsPage/NotificationsPage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 064fbd4..0000000
--- a/src/pages/NotificationsPage/NotificationsPage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import { Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- marginTop: theme.spacing(25),
- textAlign: 'center'
- }
-const NotificationsPage: React.FC = () => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- return (
- <Typography variant="h4" className={classes.root}>
- Sorry, this page is being constructed yet.
- </Typography>
- );
-export default NotificationsPage;
diff --git a/src/pages/Page.tsx b/src/pages/Page.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a77a98e..0000000
--- a/src/pages/Page.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
-import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import { SnackbarProvider } from 'notistack';
-import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import Loading from '../components/Loading/Loading';
-const ProfilePage = React.lazy(() => import('./ProfilePage/ProfilePage'));
-const FeedPage = React.lazy(() => import('./FeedPage/FeedPage'));
-const LoginPage = React.lazy(() => import('./LoginPage/LoginPage'));
-const RegistrationPage = React.lazy(() => import('./RegistrationPage/RegistrationPage'));
-const HomePage = React.lazy(() => import('./HomePage/HomePage'));
-const NotificationsPage = React.lazy(() => import('./NotificationsPage/NotificationsPage'));
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- [theme.breakpoints.down('sm')]: {
- margin: theme.spacing(2, 0, 12, 0)
- },
- [theme.breakpoints.up('md')]: {
- margin: theme.spacing(15, 5, 8, 5)
- }
- }
-const Page: React.FC = () => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- const theme = useTheme();
- const isMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));
- return (
- <SnackbarProvider
- maxSnack={3}
- anchorOrigin={{
- vertical: isMobile ? 'top' : 'bottom',
- horizontal: 'right'
- }}
- >
- <div className={classes.root}>
- <Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
- <Switch>
- <Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
- <Route exact path="/login" component={LoginPage} />
- <Route exact path="/registration" component={RegistrationPage} />
- <Route exact path="/feed" component={FeedPage} />
- <Route exact path="/notifications" component={NotificationsPage} />
- <Route path="/profile/:username" component={ProfilePage} />
- </Switch>
- </Suspense>
- </div>
- </SnackbarProvider>
- );
-export default Page;
diff --git a/src/pages/ProfilePage/Highlight.tsx b/src/pages/ProfilePage/Highlight.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ebc3f56..0000000
--- a/src/pages/ProfilePage/Highlight.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-interface PropTypes {
- text: string;
- value: string | number;
-const useStyles = makeStyles({
- root: {
- position: 'relative'
- },
- menuButton: {
- width: 200,
- height: 50,
- textAlign: 'center'
- },
- menuNumber: {
- fontWeight: 800,
- color: 'black'
- },
- menuText: {
- color: 'darkgray'
- }
-const Highlight: React.FC<PropTypes> = ({ text, value }) => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- return (
- <div className={classes.menuButton}>
- <div className={classes.menuNumber}>{value}</div>
- <div className={classes.menuText}>{text}</div>
- </div>
- );
-export default Highlight;
diff --git a/src/pages/ProfilePage/MoreMenu.tsx b/src/pages/ProfilePage/MoreMenu.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f41879..0000000
--- a/src/pages/ProfilePage/MoreMenu.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
-import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
-import Menu from '@material-ui/core/Menu';
-import MenuItem from '@material-ui/core/MenuItem';
-import MoreHorizIcon from '@material-ui/icons/MoreHoriz';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-const ITEM_HEIGHT = 48;
-const useStyles = makeStyles({
- moreMenu: {
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 10,
- zIndex: 100
- }
-const MoreMenu: React.FC = () => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null);
- const { logout } = useAuth();
- const history = useHistory();
- const open = Boolean(anchorEl);
- const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
- setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget);
- };
- const handleLogout = () => {
- logout();
- history.push('/login');
- };
- const handleClose = () => {
- setAnchorEl(null);
- };
- return (
- <div className={classes.moreMenu}>
- <div>
- <IconButton
- aria-label="more"
- aria-controls="long-menu"
- aria-haspopup="true"
- onClick={handleClick}
- >
- <MoreHorizIcon />
- </IconButton>
- <Menu
- id="long-menu"
- anchorEl={anchorEl}
- keepMounted
- open={open}
- onClose={handleClose}
- PaperProps={{
- style: {
- maxHeight: ITEM_HEIGHT * 4.5,
- width: '20ch'
- }
- }}
- >
- <MenuItem onClick={handleLogout}>Log out</MenuItem>
- </Menu>
- </div>
- </div>
- );
-export default MoreMenu;
diff --git a/src/pages/ProfilePage/ProfileInfo.tsx b/src/pages/ProfilePage/ProfileInfo.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eee4c1..0000000
--- a/src/pages/ProfilePage/ProfileInfo.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import { Avatar, Badge, Typography } from '@material-ui/core/';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import { User } from 'which-types';
-import CameraAltIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CameraAlt';
-import VerifiedIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CheckCircleOutline';
-import Skeleton from '@material-ui/lab/Skeleton';
-import MoreMenu from './MoreMenu';
-import Highlight from './Highlight';
-import UploadImage from '../../components/UploadImage/UploadImage';
-import { patch } from '../../requests';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-interface PropTypes {
- savedPolls: number;
- totalVotes: number;
- userInfo: User | undefined;
- setUserInfo: (userInfo: User) => void;
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- position: 'relative'
- },
- avatar: {
- width: 150,
- height: 150,
- margin: '0 auto'
- },
- name: {
- margin: theme.spacing(1, 0),
- display: 'flex',
- alignItems: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center'
- },
- verified: {
- marginLeft: theme.spacing(0.5),
- width: theme.spacing(3),
- height: theme.spacing(3)
- },
- profileMenu: {
- display: 'flex',
- width: '100%',
- height: 50,
- margin: '50px 0',
- borderBottom: '1px solid lightgray'
- },
- menuButton: {
- width: 200,
- height: 50,
- textAlign: 'center'
- },
- badge: {
- width: theme.spacing(5),
- height: theme.spacing(5),
- borderRadius: '50%',
- cursor: 'pointer',
- background: '#d3d3d3',
- display: 'flex',
- alignItems: 'center',
- '& svg': {
- margin: '0 auto'
- }
- },
- avatarContainer: {
- position: 'relative',
- textAlign: 'center'
- },
- menuNumber: {
- fontWeight: 800,
- color: 'black'
- },
- menuText: {
- color: 'darkgray'
- },
- skeleton: {
- margin: '10px auto',
- borderRadius: 2
- }
-const ProfileInfo: React.FC<PropTypes> = ({
- savedPolls, totalVotes, setUserInfo, userInfo
-}) => {
- const classes = useStyles();
- const [input, setInput] = useState(false);
- const { user } = useAuth();
- const dateSince = new Date(userInfo?.createdAt || '').toLocaleDateString();
- const handleClick = () => {
- setInput(!input);
- };
- const patchAvatar = (url: string) => {
- const id = user?._id;
- patch(`/users/${id}`, { avatarUrl: url }).then(res => {
- setUserInfo(res.data);
- });
- };
- return (
- <div className={classes.root}>
- {
- !userInfo
- ? <Skeleton animation="wave" variant="circle" width={150} height={150} className={classes.avatar} />
- : userInfo?._id === user?._id
- ? (
- <div>
- <MoreMenu />
- <div className={classes.avatarContainer}>
- <Badge
- overlap="circle"
- anchorOrigin={{
- vertical: 'bottom',
- horizontal: 'right'
- }}
- badgeContent={(
- <div className={classes.badge}>
- <CameraAltIcon onClick={handleClick} />
- </div>
- )}
- >
- <Avatar className={classes.avatar} src={userInfo?.avatarUrl} />
- </Badge>
- </div>
- <UploadImage isOpen={input} setIsOpen={setInput} callback={patchAvatar} />
- </div>
- )
- : <Avatar className={classes.avatar} src={userInfo?.avatarUrl} />
- }
- {
- !userInfo
- ? <Skeleton animation="wave" variant="rect" width={100} height={20} className={classes.skeleton} />
- : (
- <Typography variant="h5" className={classes.name}>
- {userInfo?.username}
- {userInfo?.verified && <VerifiedIcon className={classes.verified} color="primary" />}
- </Typography>
- )
- }
- <div className={classes.profileMenu}>
- {
- !userInfo
- ? (
- <>
- <Skeleton animation="wave" variant="rect" width={170} height={20} className={classes.skeleton} />
- <Skeleton animation="wave" variant="rect" width={170} height={20} className={classes.skeleton} />
- <Skeleton animation="wave" variant="rect" width={170} height={20} className={classes.skeleton} />
- </>
- )
- : (
- <>
- <Highlight text="Polls" value={savedPolls} />
- <Highlight text="Since" value={dateSince} />
- <Highlight text="Total votes" value={totalVotes} />
- </>
- )
- }
- </div>
- </div>
- );
-export default ProfileInfo;
diff --git a/src/pages/ProfilePage/ProfilePage.tsx b/src/pages/ProfilePage/ProfilePage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index db27d25..0000000
--- a/src/pages/ProfilePage/ProfilePage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
-import { useHistory, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { Poll } from 'which-types';
-import { Container } from '@material-ui/core';
-import ProfileInfo from './ProfileInfo';
-import Feed from '../../components/Feed/Feed';
-import Loading from '../../components/Loading/Loading';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-import { useUser, useProfile } from '../../hooks/APIClient';
-const ProfilePage: React.FC = () => {
- const history = useHistory();
- const { username } = useParams();
- const { user } = useAuth();
- const { data: userInfo, mutate: setUserInfo } = useUser(username);
- const { data: polls, isValidating } = useProfile(userInfo?._id);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!username) {
- if (user) history.push(`/profile/${user.username}`);
- else history.push('/login');
- }
- }, [username, history, user]);
- const totalVotes = useCallback(
- polls.reduce(
- (total: number, current: Poll) => {
- const { left, right } = current.contents;
- return total + left.votes + right.votes;
- }, 0
- ),
- [polls]
- );
- return (
- <Container maxWidth="sm" disableGutters>
- <ProfileInfo
- userInfo={userInfo}
- setUserInfo={setUserInfo}
- savedPolls={polls.length}
- totalVotes={totalVotes}
- />
- {!polls.length && isValidating
- ? <Loading />
- : <Feed polls={polls} />
- }
- </Container>
- );
-export default ProfilePage;
diff --git a/src/pages/RegistrationPage/RegistrationPage.tsx b/src/pages/RegistrationPage/RegistrationPage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a9379..0000000
--- a/src/pages/RegistrationPage/RegistrationPage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
-import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';
-import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
-import { post } from '../../requests';
-import { useAuth } from '../../hooks/useAuth';
-const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
- root: {
- '& > *': {
- margin: theme.spacing(1),
- width: theme.spacing(35)
- },
- display: 'flex',
- flexDirection: 'column',
- alignItems: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center'
- },
- formHeader: {
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 25
- },
- formTransfer: {
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'center'
- },
- transferButton: {
- marginLeft: 10,
- color: 'green',
- cursor: 'pointer'
- }
-const RegistrationPage: React.FC = () => {
- const [error, setError] = useState<boolean>(false);
- const classes = useStyles();
- const usernameRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>();
- const emailRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>();
- const passwordRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>();
- const { login } = useAuth();
- const history = useHistory();
- const handleSubmit = () => {
- const username = usernameRef.current?.value?.toLowerCase();
- const password = passwordRef.current?.value;
- const email = emailRef.current?.value;
- if (username && password) {
- post('/users', { username, password, email })
- .then(() => login(username, password))
- .then(() => history.push(`/profile/${username}`));
- } else setError(true);
- };
- const handleLogin = () => {
- history.push('/login');
- };
- return (
- <>
- <div className={classes.formHeader}>Sign Up</div>
- <form className={classes.root} noValidate autoComplete="off">
- <TextField
- inputRef={usernameRef}
- label="Username"
- error={error}
- helperText={error && 'This field is required!'}
- required
- />
- <TextField inputRef={emailRef} label="Email" />
- <TextField
- inputRef={passwordRef}
- label="Password"
- type="password"
- required
- error={error}
- helperText={error && 'This field is required!'}
- />
- <Button variant="contained" onClick={handleSubmit}>submit</Button>
- </form>
- <div className={classes.formTransfer}>
- <div>Already have an account?</div>
- <span
- onClick={handleLogin}
- className={classes.transferButton}
- role="presentation"
- >
- Log in
- </span>
- </div>
- </>
- );
-export default RegistrationPage;