path: root/src/camera.rs
diff options
authoreug-vs <eugene@eug-vs.xyz>2021-10-25 15:39:58 +0300
committereug-vs <eugene@eug-vs.xyz>2021-10-25 15:40:23 +0300
commit67d7492477808dc1765b1a9ed493dee79dff9320 (patch)
treeb472d485c79b164eb472e609d2daaa05258993bf /src/camera.rs
feat: initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/camera.rs')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/camera.rs b/src/camera.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2fbd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/camera.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+use crate::vector::Vector;
+use std::{cmp::{max, min}, f32::consts::PI, f64::MAX_EXP, fmt};
+const WIDTH: i32 = 60;
+const HEIGHT: i32 = 30;
+pub struct Buffer (pub [[char; 60]; 30]);
+impl fmt::Display for Buffer {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ for i in 0..30 {
+ for j in 0..60 {
+ write!(f, "{}", self.0[i][j])?;
+ }
+ writeln!(f)?;
+ }
+ write!(f, "")
+ }
+pub struct Camera {
+ pub position: Vector,
+ pub direction: Vector,
+ pub angle: f32,
+ pub distance: f32,
+ pub brightness: f32,
+ pub aspect_ratio: f32,
+ pub buffer: Buffer,
+impl Camera {
+ pub fn sdf(&self, point: Vector) -> f32 {
+ let center = Vector { x: 3.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 };
+ let radius = 1.0;
+ return (point - center).magnitude() - radius
+ }
+ pub fn screen(&self) -> (f32, f32) {
+ let width = self.distance * 2.0 * (self.angle / 2.0).tan();
+ let height = width * self.aspect_ratio;
+ // println!("Screen {}x{} units", width, height);
+ (width, height)
+ }
+ pub fn render(& mut self) {
+ let palette = "$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/\\|()1{}[]?-_+~<>i!lI;:,\"^`'. ";
+ let (screen_width, screen_height) = self.screen();
+ let h_step = self.direction.rotate_z(PI / 2.0).normalized() * screen_width / WIDTH as f32;
+ let v_step = Vector { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: -screen_height / HEIGHT as f32 };
+ // println!("Steps: h{}, v{}", h_step, v_step);
+ // Initialize with a corner
+ let point = self.position + (self.direction.normalized() * self.distance) - (h_step * (WIDTH / 2) as f32 + v_step * (HEIGHT / 2) as f32);
+ // println!("Corner: {}", point);
+ let mut ray_dir = point - self.position;
+ for i in 0..HEIGHT as usize {
+ ray_dir = ray_dir + v_step;
+ for j in 0..WIDTH as usize {
+ ray_dir = ray_dir + h_step;
+ let brightness = self.shoot_ray(ray_dir);
+ self.buffer.0[i][j] = palette.chars().nth((brightness * palette.len() as f32) as usize - 1).unwrap();
+ // println!("[{}, {}]: {}", i, j, ray_dir);
+ }
+ ray_dir = ray_dir - h_step * WIDTH as f32;
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn shoot_ray(&self, direction: Vector) -> f32 {
+ let threshold = 0.1;
+ let ray = direction.normalized();
+ let mut point = self.position;
+ let mut dist = 0.0;
+ while dist < self.brightness {
+ dist = self.sdf(point);
+ if dist < threshold {
+ // println!("Dist: {}, point {}", dist, point);
+ return (point - self.position).magnitude() / self.brightness
+ }
+ point = point + ray * dist;
+ }
+ return 1.0
+ }